At Associated Grocers, we provide our retail members with resources so that they can continue to grow their businesses and remain successfully independent. We truly appreciate them allowing us to be of service.

Here’s what some of our retailers have to say:

Raintree Market

Countice LeBlanc, General Manager

As a retailer, I am very passionate about providing products and services to my customers that they are only able to get in an independent retail grocery store environment. Without the support from the staff of Associated Grocers, this would not be possible. The Associated Grocers team is as organized, efficient, and detail-oriented toward me as their customer as I am toward my customers. It is easy for me to recognize the value of AG. I am proud to be a retailer and partner of Associated Grocers.

Lamendola’s Supermarket

Daphne Lamendola, Owner

Associated Grocers is a one-stop shop that takes care of everything we need: from accounting services, register systems, refrigeration, and everything in between. We’ve been proud members of AG for over 70 years and they’ve never failed to find solutions. I can always count on their invaluable support and am appreciative of their partnership.

Frank’s Supermarket

Tara Guidry, Owner

When the opportunity presented itself for me to purchase my store, I had hesitation about whether or not I could do it. The team at Associated Grocers convinced me that I could do it and assured me that they would be there every step of the way. AG was there for me then, and they still are now.